Many of us are apt to think about the homeless only in the winter when it’s cold, icy and the temperatures drop at nightfall. Some good Samaritans donate blankets, warm coats, shoes and socks to shelters knowing that these items are sorely needed. When the weather heats up in summer, the homeless are often forgotten even by the most reliable donors.
The Bay Area Rescue Mission
As the area’s largest provider of services to the homeless and impoverished, the Bay Area Rescue Mission is acutely aware of their needs year round. Every season, the mission needs the following to better serve the homeless:
- Food
- Bottled Water
- Backpacks
- Portable water carriers
- Underwear for men, women and children
- Shoes and socks
- Pet food
- Umbrellas
- Clothing
- First aid kits
- Accessories for warmth such as wool-knit scarves, gloves and hats
The summer months bring special needs to keep these vulnerable people as healthy and comfortable as possible. The need for hydration is even stronger when the area heats up. Bottled water or any bottled or canned sugar-free, non-alcoholic drink is essential along with:
- Light summer clothing
- Non-perishable food and snacks, such as jerky, granola bars and packs of nuts
- Umbrellas for protection against the sun as well as rain
- Insect repellant
- Sunscreen
- Sunburn alleviators, such as aloe vera
- Anti-itch creams
- Backpacks – September is a fine time to purchase backpacks as they are readily available and inexpensive as the kids return to school.
- Sunhats
The Bay Area Rescue Mission understands that the people they serve in so many ways are just as worthy as the people that don’t require their services. Any of us could become homeless or desperately poor through loss of job, loss of mental or physical health, loss of connection to society and loss of support systems.
How can you become part of the solution to homelessness?
The Bay Area Rescue Mission provides services to the disadvantaged people of the Bay Area. It offers shelter, food, instruction in essential life skills and spiritual endeavors. Its mission is simply to make those they serve whole again with an independent, healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Donating your time and expertise is equally important as donating much needed items or money to help the rescue mission serve its constituents. The volunteers at the mission will tell you unanimously that their efforts are rewarded far more than expected. They find that helping others is an antidote to depression, loneliness and lack of self-confidence. Make your life better today by making someone else’s life better. Make a difference, contact The Bay Area Rescue Mission at 510-215-4555.
Read more: Is Housing First the answer to Homelessness? link*