Mike was a little boy with a heart to please. But he had a learning disability, and no matter how hard he studied, his grades were poor and his parents were angry. “I got a lot of verbal abuse and not much love,” he says. “I felt rejected and unworthy to be their son.”
By the time he reached high school, Mike was so far behind that he knew he’d never graduate or earn his parents’ love. “I started using drugs to suppress my feelings of rejection.”
Over the years, his addiction escalated, leaving him isolated and homeless, living on the streets. He was miserable, and one evening, sitting alone on a park bench, he cried out to God. “I said, ‘God, I need help right now!’”
The Lord led him to the Rescue Mission, and through our Men’s Discipleship Program, Mike discovered that, unlike his earthly father, his heavenly Father’s love is unconditional. “I found out that all He wants is a relationship with me, that He just wants my heart, that He says, ‘You’re my son.’ And now I can accept His love.”
With God’s guidance and the counsel and compassion of our staff, Mike has finally begun to heal from his childhood trauma. “I’m no longer that hurting kid who feels rejected. I can accept love from others and give it away, as well,” Mike says.
“Now, I like who I am.”
He plans to graduate from the program and become an intern here, helping others find the healing he’s found in God. “I want to lift up other men in the program and give back everything God has given me at the Rescue Mission.”
Mike’s heart is overflowing with gratitude this Thanksgiving because YOUR loving support gave him the confidence and support to rebuild his life. “Before I came here, I was lost, but now I’m part of God’s family. I know who I am.”
To read this issue of Bay Area Hope, click here.

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